En dehors du lolita, j'ai franchement des hobbies plus relax. J'ai pas beaucoup grandi dans ma p'tite tête...
Besides the lolita, I honestly have more relaxed hobbies. I didn't grow much in my little head ...
J'aime partir à l'aventure, la photographie, me retourner le cerveau (souvent avec des films débiles). J'assume pas ce que j'écris (ouais, ouais, enfance difficile tout ça, on sent l'ado à retardement qui essaie de rattraper les heures perdues de sa jeunesse) alors je ne publie rien... Et je me lamente en me disant que c'est pas comme ça que je vais gagner ma vie.
I like to go on adventure, photography, turn my brain (often with stupid movies). I don't assume what I write (yeah, yeah, hard childhood, etc, we feel the delayed teenager trying to catch up with the lost hours of his youth) so I don't publish anything ... And I lament telling me that's not how I'm going to earn a living.
I like to go on adventure, photography, turn my brain (often with stupid movies). I don't assume what I write (yeah, yeah, hard childhood, etc, we feel the delayed teenager trying to catch up with the lost hours of his youth) so I don't publish anything ... And I lament telling me that's not how I'm going to earn a living.
J'avais un CANON fut un temps, mais il a malencontreusement décédé entre mes mains de brute. J'espère que le p'tit nouveau tiendra plus longtemps. Pour les voyages, tout ça... J'espère avoir des modèles cool aussi.
I had a CANON for a while, but he accidentally died in my hands as a brute. I hope the new baby will last longer. For travel, all that ... I hope to have cool models too
J'ai aussi changé la taille de mes plugs aux oreilles, j'ai hâte qu'on puisse voir au travers avec le petit trou (t'sais, le truc où tu vas mettre ton doigt plein de microbes dedans et tout). Et pouvoir changer de bijou, car le plastoc Amazon voilà quoi !
I also changed the size of my ear plugs, I can't wait to see through with the little hole (you know, the thing where you will put your finger full of germs in etc). And be able to change jewelry, because the Amazon plastic is not fun.
I also changed the size of my ear plugs, I can't wait to see through with the little hole (you know, the thing where you will put your finger full of germs in etc). And be able to change jewelry, because the Amazon plastic is not fun.
PS: je me souviens quand j'étais PAUVRE jeune, je voulais tout ce qui donnait des sensations fortes. Roller, vélo, BMX, trottinette, boxe... Parachute, saut à l'élastique ! Batterie. Une façon inavouée de lutter contre mon aspect chétif ?
PS: I remember when I was POOR young, I wanted everything that gave thrills. Roller, bike, BMX, scooter, boxing ... Parachute, bungee jumping! Drums. An unconfessed way to fight against my stunted appearance ?
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